2017 Chicago Save the Nukes Rally
We visited the bean, and were told that we couldn’t take any pictures with signs. We did it anyway. We think they just didn’t like nuclear.
This is when we first really started getting comments about being nuclear “shills”. We didn’t know what that was before. We made some pretty entertaining (never published) sarcastic videos about how we were really shills… because look at all the money that we obviously have to spend on this. We were all four of us sharing a hotel room, taking a common taxi to the airport four hours early to save money, etc. We only *wish* we were paid for our advocacy, and didn’t have to actually take personal vacation time to advocate for this amazing technology (and our livelihoods).
On our way home, we got great picture with our female pilot!
We met with a reporter about our rally in Chicago, HERE’s what she wrote.
When she was fact checking Heather’s claim about being in Mothers for Peace, she actually contacted the organization back in San Luis Obispo. MfP originally denied that a pro-nuclear activist could be involved with them, but then realized that Heather had a new last name (married) and yes, had actually been on their email list for many years. They kicked her off immediately! And then proceeded to sign up on the MfN email list. We welcome them with open arms.